Streetbeat Annual Report 2020
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by Steve StreetbeatPlease click the link below to read Streetbeat’s Annual Report for 2020.
Streetbeat Youth Project: The Lockdown Survey Results
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by Steve StreetbeatStreetbeat Youth Project conducted a survey in April 2020, asking young people how the lockdown has impacted them. Click the link below to read the full report which discusses the challenges and benefits of lockdown, the coping strategies that young people have been using and the impact on their wellbeing. The report also proposes the next steps for those working in the youth work sector when a future of social distancing seems likely.
Please see the infographic below for the key findings. Click this link to read the full report. The Lockdown Survey Results
Streetbeat Annual Report 2019
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by Steve StreetbeatPlease click the link below to read Streetbeat Youth Project’s Annual Report 2019.
St Patrick’s Soup Kitchen
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by Steve StreetbeatIn January a group of young people from Streetbeat Youth Project volunteered in St Patrick’s Soup Kitchen as part of their Social Action Project. St Patrick’s Soup kitchen is based in Belfast city centre and provides a service to the homeless community by offering food, clothing and amenities. They also have a dedicated outreach team who provide food parcels and essential utilities within the local area. They not only provide these services the Charity also provide support for the elderly and vulnerable members of the community.
The young people who volunteered are part of Streetbeat’s Breakthrough programme which involves facilitating workshops around issues affecting young people within their local communities, developing positive relationships with young people and providing a safe space for them to avail of. This is an ongoing project that looks at five key elements in order to enhance the young peoples’ personal social development, good relations, citizenship, one to one support and creative interventions.
During this volunteering experience the young people got involved in different elements of the St Patrick’s Soup Kitchen’s services. This involved packaging hygiene parcels, serving hot drinks and meals and also distributing clothing to those in need. The young people who got involved in this opportunity found it emotional but also rewarding enabling them to give back to the community.
Streetbeat Youth Project is based on the Woodvale Road and runs various programmes including personal development groups on issues affecting young people, counselling, mentoring, weekly drop-ins and issue-based programmes in several of the local schools. If anyone is interested in getting involved, please contact them at
North Belfast Inspirational Youth Awards
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by Steve StreetbeatStreetbeat Youth Project, working in partnership with YEHA Project and Lighthouse Mental Health Charity, hosted the North Belfast Inspirational Youth Awards on Wednesday 20th March. The event was held in the 174 Trust, Duncairn Complex and was aiming to highlight the positive work that the young people of North Belfast have been involved with. On the night, there were 80+ people present at the event made up of funders, youth workers and young people. The event brought together young people from all over North Belfast to celebrate their hard work and achievements through the 3 organisations.
During the event, Streetbeat took the opportunity to acknowledge the positive work that that the young people have been involved in through various programmes, such as community clean ups and garden work, hosting a pensioners Christmas dinner, a young women’s event to empower women within North Belfast, commitment to education and training and dedication to development through engagement in various projects. The young people received certificates and awards in recognition of their achievements over the past year. Once the awards were completed there were several activities available for the young people to take part in, such as a photobooth, party animals and a magician, food was also provided.
Summer at Streetbeat
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by Steve StreetbeatWe have a busy summer ahead at Streetbeat Youth Project with a range of activities planned.
Trips include Tayto Park, water sports, Escape Rooms, mountain walk, go-karting and quad-biking.
As well as our trips, we have groups on Mondays from 6-9 looking at self-care, skills and hot topic discussions and drop in is on Tuesdays 4-7 and Thursdays 6-9.
Most of our activities are for 1st year and up, with a few exceptions. Please get in touch to find out more!
Aspire Residential
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by Steve StreetbeatIt was an action-packed weekend when one of our Aspire groups recently went on a residential to Ardaluin House. The group had the opportunity to take part in team building, bouldering, a midnight forest walk, dj-ing and art and crafts. It was a great weekend seeing the group come together as a team and supporting, challenging and encouraging each other.
Well done to the group who pushed through the cold weather and icy water of the Mournes to challenge themselves and experience something new!
A huge thanks to Marty who delivered the activities and brought a great energy to the weekend.
Bon Voyage
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by table59Adventure is in the air again as Streetbeat prepares to say Bon Voyage to another of it’s well known faces. In April this year we wished youth worker Jonny good luck as he set of on an exciting, year long, around the world trip and now it is the turn of Lucinda, who will travel through central/south America, New Zealand, Thailand, Vietnam & Cambodia for 3 months.
We wish good luck to Lucinda and hope to welcome back both our travelers safe and sound in 2016.
Out with the Old & in with the New
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by table59It was with sadness that staff packed up and helped removal men clear the belongings of Streetbeat Youth Project from our old, and much loved, premises at 97 Woodvale Road this week. Having undergone several surveys from our sudden departure last October we were informed the building will not have the extensive remedial works needed to continue it’s use as a youth centre. Therefore Streetbeat needed a new home.
Having used various temporary premises over the last year including New Life City Centre, USEL, Boys Model & Woodvale Community Centre we have now secured a new centre of our own! As soon as building work and final checks have been completed we will be able to open the doors to the brand new Streetbeat at 16 Woodvale Road (the old FASA building).
With various sized groupwork rooms, a counselling room and a large space for drop in this move will allow us to concentrate on what we do best – providing first class quality youth services to the Woodvale & Greater Shankill Community.
Keep an eye out for our launch day where we hope to see you there to celebrate this new and exciting chapter with us.